What is USB Cable and its Types .....

The Universal Serial Bus (USB) is innovation that permits an individual to interface an electronic gadget to a PC. It is a quick sequential transport type. 

It is generally utilized on PCs. USB is additionally utilized on different gadgets, for example, cell phones and computer game control center. USB interfaces various gadgets utilizing a standard connection point. A great many people use USB for PC mice, consoles, scanners, printers, computerized cameras, and USB streak drives. There are north of six billion USB gadgets all over the planet. The standard was made to further develop attachment and play gadgets. This implies that a gadget can be connected to a free attachment, and basically work.

The PC will see the gadget. The PC now and again introduces exceptional programming to utilize the gadget. The gadget can be taken out after it quits being utilized. This innovation is designated "hot trading". "Hot trading" signifies it very well may be stopped and turned off while the power is on. The PC needn't bother with to be switched off for individuals to change the gadgets.

USB can give a limited quantity of capacity to the joined gadget through the USB string. Gadgets that main need a little power can get it from the transport, and needn't bother with a different electric power plug. That permits devices like USB battery chargers, lights, and fans. They can likewise control outside hard drives and SSD.

Starting around 2022, practically all PCs have USB and have supplanted more established standards. Those incorporate the equal port, sequential port and SCSI. These old principles are uncommon these days, yet not many PCs on the planet actually utilize these old connectors for a couple of occupations where USB can't supplant them.


  • 1994 - Seven companies united to begin the development of USB.
  • 1995 - 340 companies formed the USB Implementation Forum.
  • 1996 - More than five hundred USB products were already developing around the world.
  • 1997 - USB Implementation Forum became richer with 60 more companies.
  • 1998 - USB becomes the most popular technology on the market of electronics.
  • 2000 - The introduction of USB 2.0. Today it represents the most widely used USB device.
  • 2005 - USB becomes wireless.
  • 2008 - USB 3.0 is introduced. It is over 10 times faster than USB 2.0.
  • 2013 - USB 3.1 is introduced. It is about twice as fast as USB 3.0.
  • 2015 - USB Type-C is introduced. It is a reversible connector, which means that you can plug it in both ways.
  • 2019 - USB 4 is introduced. It is over 8 times faster than USB 3.0.

How USB work

A USB framework has a hilter kilter plan. It is made of a host, a few downstream USB ports, and numerous fringe gadgets associated in a star geography. Extra USB center points might be remembered for the levels, permitting stretching into a tree structure with up to five level levels. 

A USB host can have numerous host regulators. Each host regulator gives at least one USB ports. Up to 127 gadgets, including the center point gadgets, might be associated with a solitary host regulator. USB gadgets are connected in series through center points. There is dependably one center point known as the root center point.

The root center is incorporated into the host regulator. There are extraordinary center points, called "sharing centers". These permit different PCs to get to similar fringe gadgets. They work by exchanging the entrance between computers, either physically or naturally. They are famous in little office conditions. In network terms, they meet as opposed to veer branches. 

An actual USB gadget can have a few intelligent sub-gadgets that are alluded to as gadget capabilities. A solitary gadget might give a few capabilities, for instance, a webcam (video gadget capability) with an underlying receiver (sound gadget capability).

USB gadget correspondence depends on pipes (consistent channels). Pipes are associations from the host regulator to a consistent substance on the gadget named an endpoint. The term endpoint is once in a while used to allude to the line mistakenly. A USB gadget can have up to 32 dynamic lines, 16 into the host regulator and 16 out of the regulator.

Every endpoint can move information in one bearing just, either into or out of the gadget, so each line is uni-directional. Endpoints are gathered into interfaces and every point of interaction is related with a solitary gadget capability. A special case for this is endpoint zero, which is utilized for gadget arrangement and which isn't related with any point of interaction. 

At the point when a USB gadget is first associated with a USB have, the USB gadget count process is begun. The specification begins by conveying a reset message to the USB gadget. The speed of the USB not entirely settled during the reset flagging. After reset, the USB gadget's data is perused by the host, then the gadget is relegated a remarkable 7-piece address. On the off chance that the gadget is upheld by the host, the gadget drivers required for speaking with the gadget are stacked and the gadget is set to a designed state. On the off chance that the USB have is restarted, the specification cycle is rehashed for all associated gadgets.

The host regulator surveys the transport for traffic, for the most part in a cooperative design, so no USB gadget can move any information on the transport without an express solicitation from the host regulator.

USB Connectors

USB was designed to be easy to use. The engineers learned from other connectors before they designed USB connectors. There are 3 connectors.

  • TYPE A, commonly used at computer used at the computer end of cable
  • Micro-A (rare)
  • Type B, at Peripheral end, rare for printers 
  • Micro B , at peripheral end, for most smartphone
  • Type C, at either end. As of 2022 many computers, phones and peripheral devices uses it